Guidelines for Organizing a Special Session at the AIMS Conference
The AIMS conference stands out for its exceptional
array of well-structured special sessions, spanning diverse topics and led by
esteemed researchers in their respective fields. These special sessions operate as
distinct workshops or symposia, enhancing the conference's character as a gathering
that draws innumerable colleagues and peers. Consequently, numerous research groups
seek to showcase their advancements at the AIMS conference, often by extending
invitations to international colleagues and collaborators to present in their
Outlined below are the comprehensive guidelines for
orchestrating a special session within the framework of the AIMS conference:
- 1. Submission and Approval of Proposals:
Prospective organizers are encouraged to submit proposals, containing the
following elements:
- • Names and affiliations of the organizers (limited to a maximum of 3)
- • Contact email addresses of the organizers
- • Session title and an abstract that encapsulates the session's essence
- • A preliminary list of potential speakers to be invited upon approval of
the proposal, organizers can promptly extend invitations to the identified
- 2. Minimum & maximum: Each session may have between 12-35 speakers. Having less than 12 speakers will lead to the integration of the session with other compatible sessions, and the original organizers will no longer be organizers.
- 3. Presentation Time Allocation: Speakers
within each session will be allocated a dedicated slot of 30 minutes. This
timeframe encompasses both the presentation and the subsequent question-and-answer
- 4. Registration Requirement: All organizers and speakers are required to pay the
registration fee. The conference's financial sustenance is facilitated through
registration fees, which exclusively fund various conference aspects, including
program management, meal provisions, refreshments, equipment procurement,
transportation logistics, and student support. In specific instances, limited NSF
travel assistance might be accessible for graduate students and recent Ph.D.
graduates from the United States.
- 5. Organizer Recognition: As a gesture of
acknowledgment, session organizers are cordially invited to partake in the
conference's banquet gala. This invitation comes without any associated charges.
- 6. Speaker Participation Limit: Each
participant is granted the opportunity to present in no more than two distinct
sessions. This constraint is designed to foster diverse engagement across various
- 7. Organizer Composition: A special session may
be organized by a maximum of three individuals. However, exceptions to this norm
can be entertained based on specific requests.
These refined guidelines elucidate the meticulous process of orchestrating a
special session within the context of the AIMS conference. This conference, renowned
for its dynamic special sessions, serves as a platform where leading researchers
converge to facilitate knowledge exchange, innovation, and collaboration on a global