The conference host, NYU at Abu Dhabi, has been the Chair of The Universities Climate Network (UCN) that comprises 33 UAE-based universities and higher education institutions working together to drive engagement among youth and academia in the lead up to COP28. The campus, the city, and the life there and in Dubai, in one click

Life in Abu Dhabi-What’s Special

As two hundred nations gathered for COP28 to have reached a breakthrough climate agreement in Dubai on Dec. 13, 2023, calling for a transition away from fossil fuels in an unprecedented deal, the AIMS Conference is scheduled to take place in its next door neighbor, Abu Dhabi, in December 2024, to make it the largest mathematical conference in the region, ever.

On women’s inclusion, justice and security, the UAE is ranked 1st in the Middle East and North Africa and 24th globally, as demonstrated at HERE.  Through a series of public and private sector initiatives, women are playing an increasingly stronger role in business, government and STEM fields. People visiting for the first time will leave the country with a completely different outlook on UAE. In fact, the UAE society is surprisingly liberal.

  1.   1. Life and some vibrant liberal party scenes in Dubai are HERE
  2.   2. Life and some vibrant liberal party scenes in Abu Dhabi are HERE
  3.   3. Night life is seen HERE

The Abrahamic family house at may illustrates a sense of inclusiveness. For Time Out at Abu Dhabi and Dubai to see the large amount of cultural life and entertainment, one may get a glimpse at and

Qasr Al Watan Palace
Caption: An exterior landscape shot of Qasr Al Watan Palace set against a backdrop of clear blue skies on a sunny day.

Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum
Caption: A landscape view of the Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum showcasing the iconic Rain of Light dome across the waters at sunrise.
Copyright: Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi

Qasr Al Watan Palace at Sunset
Caption: A sunset shot of the Courtyard at Qasr Al Watan Palace featuring the Palace corridors and archs.
Copyright: Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi