Conference Articles

Though there are no planned proceedings for the current conference, we do offer a venue for interested participants to publish their research articles, whether related to their talks at the conference or not.  In fact, we will offer a discount of APC to publish their chosen articles in two Open Access journals, as a token of appreciation for their participation in the conference.  Furthermore, interested session organizers may also propose to guest-edit a special (topic) issue for either of the two journals.  Some APC waivers for the guest-editors may be available.

Specifically, the two journals, AIMS Mathematics, and Electronic Research Archive, both will welcome your submissions.  To qualify for a 20% discount of APC rates at the time of submission,  in your cover letter of submission you are required to enter your conference registration ID. 

It is emphasized that all conference submissions will go through the same rigorous reviewing process as for regular submissions.  This special offer is effective now and good for a full year.