2014 Madrid, Spain
Award Ceremony
Anton Savostianov, First Place
Andrei Tarfulea, Second Place
Piotr Kamienski, Honorable Mention
Bao Q. Tang, Honorable Mention

  • AIMS Student Paper Competition


We are pleased to announce the following finalists for the inaugural 2014 AIMS Student Paper Competition:

  • Vladimir Bobkov, ''On Maximum and Comparison Principles for Parabolic Problems with p-Laplacian'', Universitat Rostock, Germany
  • Piotr Kamienski, ''A finite information KAM theorem'', Jagiellonian University, Poland
  • Priscila Leal da Silva, ''Strict self-adjointness and shallow water models'', Centro de Matematica, Computacao e Cognicao, CMCC, UFABC, Brazil
  • Ye Li, ''An equation decomposition based tailored finite point method for linearized incompressible flow in 2D space'', Tsinghua University, China
  • Catalina Vich Llompart, ''Slow-fast n-dimensional piecewise linear differential systems'', Universitat de les Illes Balears, Mallorca
  • Daisuke Naimen, ''The critical problem of Kirchhoff type elliptic equations in dimension four'', Osaka City University, Japan
  • Anton Savostianov, ''Strichartz estimates and smooth attractors for wave equations with fractional damping in bounded domains'', University of Surrey, UK
  • Yoshitaro Tanaka, ''Reaction-diffusion model aided understanding of pattern formation of inflorescence'', Meiji University, Japan
  • Bao Q. Tang, ''Well-posedness and exponential equilibration of a volume-surface reaction-diffusion system with nonlinear boundary coupling'', University of Graz, Austria
  • Andrei Tarfulea, ''Long Time Behavior of the Forced Critical Surface Quasi-geostrophic Equation'', Princeton University, USA


The AIMS Conference Series on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations is pleased to announce its first student paper competition at the 10th AIMS Conference to be held July 7 - July 11, 2014 in Madrid, Spain.

The student paper competition is held to identify and honor outstanding student papers in the fields of differential equations and dynamical systems, in the broadest sense.

Up to four awards may be given upon recommendation of the selection committee. Awards will be given to deserving papers, and the selection committee is not obliged to give any award. All winners and finalists will be presented with certificates, and the conference registration fee will be waived for the finalists.

Submission Guidelines and Procedures:

 1.  Student must be currently enrolled in a graduate program to be eligible to participate in the competition.

 2.  An extended abstract of no more than five pages in length must be submitted to the selection committee before the deadline (TBA). The limit is one paper per student. No multiple submissions from the same author will be accepted.

 3.  All paper will be under blind review by the selection committee. Up to 10 finalists will be identified for the competition.

 4.  The finalists will be invited to present the paper at the conference's Student Paper Symposium. The conference registration fee will be waived for each of these finalists.

 5.  The author must present the paper at the conference to be eligible for awards or certificates. Student competition papers may not be presented if previously presented to any learned society.

 6.  Finalist paper presentations will be judged by the selection committee based on written technical content and presentation effectiveness.

 7.  The selection committee will recommend up to four awards (first and second place awards and up to two awards for Honorable Mention). First place carries a cash award of $ 400, second place $200, and each honorable mention $100.

 8.  All student authors must make their own arrangements for travel and hotel accommodations.

 9.  Finalists from US are encouraged to apply for NSF travel support from the conference program committee. Finalists from Spain are encouraged to apply for travel support to the Local Organizing Committee.

The application procedure and other detailed information will be available later.


Application Procedure:

a. Participants must register at http://www.aimsconference.org/registerConference.html before submitting an application for the student paper competition.

b. The extended abstract must be no more than 5 pages, single spaced, in Times New Roman 12 points font, and should not include the author name(s). Put title and author(s) in a separate cover page.

c. Accepted file format: PDF only.

d. Submission address: mailto: studentpapers@proinbox.com

e. Submission deadline: March 31, 2014.