AIMS Conference Series
For close to 30 years, the AIMS Conference is a biennial event that provides a key international forum for mathematicians and scientists worldwide working in the fields of analysis and applied analysis, including real-world applications in the form of computations and modeling. The AIMS Conference takes place in different countries/regions to benefit the most people possible. The AIMS Conference is unique and outstanding for reasons listed below:
- ● broad coverage so that each participant can find numerous interesting topics and stimulating talks;
- ● well-organized and diversified special sessions which attract experts all over the world;
- ● taking place in different countries/regions to benefit the most people possible;
- ● organized by AIMS, which is backed by thousands of AIMS journal editors, ensuring a quality program and large participation;
- ● poster sessions to attract student participation; and
- ● best student paper competition;
- ● the highest quality and most attended international conference in the fields.
The 1st AIMS Conference took place at Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO,
USA, May 1996, with 250 participants; the 2nd was at Shanghai Jiao-tong University, Shanghai, China,
June 1998; the 3rd was at Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA, May 2000; the 4th conference
was at University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, USA, June 2002; the 5th
conference was at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, USA, June 2004; the 6th
conference was at University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France, June 2006, which was attended by a
then-record of 700 participants; the 7th conference was at University of Texas at Arlington, TX,
USA, May 2008; the 8th conference was at Dresden University of Technology, Germany, May 2010; the
9th conference was at Orlando, USA, July 2012; the 10th conference was at Madrid, Spain, July 2014,
which was attended by a new record of 2,500 participants and addressed by two Fields Medal winners;
the 11th conference was at Orlando, USA, July 2016, which was addressed by one Fields Medal winner
and one Fields Medal winner to be; the 12th AIMS conference was at Taipei, July 2018, with 1600
participants, making it the largest mathematical event ever in Taiwan; the 13th AIMS conference was
hosted, again, by University of North Carolina Wilmington, May 31-June 4, 2023.
Hosting an AIMS Conference can put your university on the map. If you are interested, we can help you become a host for a future AIMS Conference.