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The AIMS Conference Series
2023 Wilmington NC USA
Special Session 84: Recent developments in understanding of nonlinear phenomena in fluid dynamics, biology, statistical mechanics and optics
Organizer(s): Rafail Abramov , Gregor Kovacic
Parallel Session 10 :: Saturday, June 3, 14:00 – 16:00 LH104
Sergey Dyachenko
(State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)
Novel approach to finding stability of water waves
Katie Newhall
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Nonlocal stochastic-partial-differential-equation limits of spatially correlated noise-driven spin systems derived to sample a canonical distribution
Gregor Kovacic
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Slow pulse propagation in a damped, two-level, active optical medium
Ilya Timofeyev
(University of Houston, USA)
Non-exponential reversal times in models of bacterial aggregation
Parallel Session 11 :: Saturday, June 3, 16:30 – 19:00 LH104
Anna Coletti
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Effective Thermal Equilibrium for Switching Polymer Model of Chromosome Dynamics
Rafail Abramov
(University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
Turbulence via intermolecular potential
Pavel M Lushnikov
(Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico, USA)
Collapse Versus Blow-Up and Global Existence in the Generalized Constantin-Lax-Majda Equation with dissipation
Ibrahim Fatkullin
(University of Arizona, USA)
Gibbs measures, limit shapes, and stochastic dynamics on partitions and their hydrodynamic limits