Special Session 84: Recent developments in understanding of nonlinear phenomena in fluid dynamics, biology, statistical mechanics and optics

Slow pulse propagation in a damped, two-level, active optical medium

Gregor Kovacic
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Co-Author(s):    Katelyn Leisman, Northwestern University; Gino Biondini, University at Buffalo; David Cai, Courant Institute
About two decades ago, an optical pulse traveling at the speed of a bicycle was observed in a ruby crystal. This pulse was modeled by two-level Maxwell-Bloch equations. However, a theoretical explanation on whether the pulse slowed down or traveled slowly since its injection in the crystal was missing. We present a computational study of the corresponding damped Maxwell-Bloch system explaining how the dynamics crucially depend on the amount of damping. We show that the pulse starts propagating slowly, and would eventually reach the speed of light in a longer crystal.