2023 Wilmington NC USA
Contributed Session 3: Modeling, Math Biology and Math Finance

Parallel Session 5 :: Thursday, June 1, 16:30 – 19:00                    LH131
 16:30-16:50  Christine M Craib (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)
 Increasing Complexity in Sexually-Transmitted Disease Models
 16:50-17:10  Bertrand Ottino-Loffler (Rockefeller University, USA)
 Tractable Signatures of Evolutionary Selection Methods
 17:10-17:30  Dana Droz (North Carolina State University, USA)
 Mathematical Modeling of BK Virus Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients
 17:30-17:50  YOUNGSEOK CHANG (Korea University, Korea)
 Impact of Prey Induced Dispersal on Stability in Predator--Prey Dynamics
 17:50-18:10  Kwangjoong Kim (Kookmin University, Korea)
 Coexistence of predator-prey model with directional dispersal of predator
 Assessing potential insights of an imperfect testing strategy: Parameter estimation and practical identifiability using early COVID-19 data in India

Parallel Session 10 :: Saturday, June 3, 14:00 – 16:00                    LH139
 14:00-14:20  Tahmineh Azizi (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
 Analysis of neuronal oscillations of fractional-order Morris-Lecar model
 14:20-14:40  Haridas Kumar Das (Oklahoma State University, USA)
 Mathematical Modeling of Pandemics in a metapopulation: New insights from the SIR-network model
 14:40-15:00  Scott Greenhalgh (Siena College, USA)
 A generalized ODE susceptible-infectious-susceptible compartmental model with potentially periodic behavior
 15:00-15:20  Scott Greenhalgh (Siena College, USA)
 Generalized differential equation models for disease interventions: A novel approach for predicting sexually transmitted disease outbreaks