Special Session 22
    Modeling and dynamic analysis of complex patterns in biological systems and data
    Jianzhong Su
    Qishao Lu
  Many biological systems, such as neuronal systems, genomic systems, tissue systems and disease systems, are featured by certain nonlinear and complex patterns in elements and networks. These phenomena carry significant biological information and regulate down-stream mechanism in many instances. The common themes of this session include mathematical models and theoretical analysis, computational and statistical methods of dynamical systems and differential equations, as well as applications, in neurodynamics, systems biology, inflammatory responses, diseases, biophysics and biochemistry, with diversity of couplings and noises and in several scales. The topics may include but not restrict to: 1. Modeling, dynamical analysis and computation of electrical , chemical and cognitive activities in neuronal systems and nervous disorders. 2. Modeling and dynamics of biomedical processes , healing and inflammatory responses in diseases and immune systems. 3. Dynamics and computation of biological circuitry and bioinformics in protein structures, gene regulation networks and evolutionary biology.

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