Special Session 136: Analysis and Applications of the Boltzmann equation

Diffusive limit of one-species VPB and VMB with angular cutoff

Fujun Zhou
South China University of Technology
Peoples Rep of China
In this talk, we give recent progress on diffusive limit of one-species VPB and VMB with angular cutoff. For one-species VPB, by a newly H^2-W^{2,\infty} framework, the time decay estimate and the weighted energy estimate, we justify the incompressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier Poisson (NSFP) limit for all potentials \gamma>-3. For one-species VMB, by employing the weighted energy method with two newly introduced weight functions, we justify the incompressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier-Maxwell (NSFM) limit for hard potentials \gamma \geq 0.