Special Session 131: Recent progress on singularities formations of some evolution partial differential equations

A priori estimates of solutions of local and nonlocal superlinear parabolic problems

Pavol Quittner
Comenius University, Bratislava
Slovak Rep
We consider a priori estimates of possibly sign-changing solutions to superlinear parabolic problems and their applications (blow-up rates, continuity of the blow-up time, existence of nontrivial steady states etc.). Our estimates are based on energy, interpolation and bootstrap arguments. We first discuss known results on local problems and then provide new results for problems with nonlocal nonlinearities or nonlocal differential operators. In particular, we deal with nonlocal nonlinearities occuring in the Choquard equation or the Schr\odinger-Poisson-Slater problem, and we also consider problems involving the fractional Laplacian.