The 14th AIMS Conference

Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations and related functional inequalities

Bernhard Ruf
Accademia di Scienze e Lettere - Istituto Lombardo
Federica Sani
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Futoshi Takahashi
Osaka Metropolitan University
  This Special Session will be focused on recent advances in the analysis of qualitative properties of solutions to nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations. Key topics include existence, non-existence, uniqueness, non-uniqueness and multiplicity of solutions, as well as asymptotic behavior, blow-up, singularity formation and bubbling phenomena. Special attention will be given to the use of critical and limiting inequalities as a fundamental tool to refine the understanding of nonlinear equations. Indeed, the analysis of these equations within the Calculus of Variations is profoundly related to the development of sharp inequalities describing subtle relations between functional spaces. We hope to encourage vital discussions between researchers from Real Analysis and PDEs, fostering collaborations and connections.

List of approved abstract
Confirmed Speakers
Name: Affiliation: Country:
Luca Battaglia Roma Tre University Italy
Marta Calanchi Università di Milano Italy
Daniele Cassani Università dell`Insubria Italy
Manuel Del Pino University of Bath United Kingdom
Qi Guo Renmin University of Chima, Beijing Peoples Rep of China
Masato Hashizume Osaka University Japan
Norisuke Ioku Tohoku University Japan
Tatsuya Miura Kyoto University Japan
Monica Musso University of Bath England
Daisuke Naimen Muroran Institute of Technology Japan
Michiaki Onodera Tokyo Institute Technology Japan
Tohru Ozawa Waseda University Japan
Filomena Pacella Universita` Roma la Sapienza Italy
Prosenjit Roy IIT Kanpur India
Takeshi Suguro Kumamoto University Japan
Cristina Tarsi Università di Milano Italy
Elide Terraneo Università di Milano Italy
Jie Wan Beijing Institute of Technology Peoples Rep of China
Yuanyang Yu Yunnan University, Kunming Peoples Rep of China