Parallel Session 18 :: Friday, 12/20, 14:00-16:00

Special Session 68 Recent advances on interfaces dynamics modeling, simulation and applications
Organizer(s): Shixin , Huaxiong , Ming-Chih
Capital Suite 21 B
 14:00-14:30  Xianmin XU (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peoples Rep of China)
 The Onsager variational principle and physics preserving numerical schemes
 14:30-15:00  Xuelian Bao (South China University of Technology, Peoples Rep of China)
 Coupled Capillary-Perivascular Flow and Mass Transport: Modeling and Computation
 15:00-15:30  Zhen Zhang (Southern University of Science and Technology, Peoples Rep of China)
 Simulation of wetting/dewetting process on a permeable and inextensible elastic sheet
 15:30-16:00  Rong Tang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
 Convergent finite element approximations of surface evolution with relaxed minimal deformation