Parallel Session 18 :: Friday, 12/20, 14:00-16:00

Special Session 140 Symmetry and Overdetermined problems
Organizer(s): Jyotshana
Capital Suite 10
 14:00-14:30  Filomena Pacella (University of Roma Sapienza, Italy)
 Break of symmetry for semilinear elliptic problems in cones
 14:30-15:00  Yichen Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Peoples Rep of China)
 Overdetermined problems for p-Laplace and generalized Monge-Ampere equations
 15:00-15:30  Yuanyuan Lian (Department of Mathematical Analysis, University of Granada, Spain)
 A rigidity result for the overdetermined problems with the mean curvature of the graph of solutions operator in the plane