Parallel Session 15 :: Thursday, 12/19, 15:15-17:15

Special Session 69 New developments in symplectic dynamics
Organizer(s): Huagui , Jun
Conference Hall B (A)
 15:15-15:45  Cheuk Yu Mak (University of Sheffield, England)
 Lagrangian link quasimorphisms and the non-simplicity of Hameomorphism group of surfaces
 15:45-16:15  Jungsoo Kang (Seoul National University, Korea)
 Rabinowitz Floer homology for prequantization bundles
 16:15-16:45  Matthias Meiwes (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
 Barcode entropy of Lagrangian submanifolds
 16:45-17:15  Pedro AS Salomao (SUSTech, Peoples Rep of China)
 Symplectic Dynamics and the Spatial Isosceles Three-Body Problem