Parallel Session 14 :: Thursday, 12/19, 13:00-15:00

Special Session 38 Recent advances in the n-body problem
Organizer(s): Kuo-Chang , Mitsuru , Guowei
Capital Suite 15
 13:00-13:30  Masaya Saito (University of Nagasaki, Siebold, Japan)
 Longterm inspection of orbits of a highly inclined triples system: a hierarchy exchange process including the ZKL mechanism
 13:30-14:00  Marian Gidea (Yeshiva University, USA)
 Melnikov Method for Non-Conservative Perturbations of the Restricted Three-Body Problem
 14:00-14:30  Ya-Lun Tsai (National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan)
 Some results of the enumeration problems for point vortex equilibria
 14:30-15:00  Zhifu Xie (The University of Southern Mississippi, USA)
 Progress on four-body central configurations