Parallel Session 13 :: Thursday, 12/19, 8:00-9:30

Special Session 69 New developments in symplectic dynamics
Organizer(s): Huagui Duan , Jun Zhang
Conference Hall B (A)
 8:00-8:30  Jun ZHANG (University of Science and Technology of China, Peoples Rep of China)
 Givental`s non-linear Maslov index via Floer cones
 8:30-9:00  Huagui Duan (Nankai University, Peoples Rep of China)
 On the minimal number of closed geodesics on positively-curved spheres
 9:00-9:30  Qi Feng (University of Science and Technology of China, Peoples Rep of China)
 Spectrally-large scale geometry and symplectic squeezing in cotangent bundle of torus