Parallel Session 11 :: Wednesday, 12/18, 14:45-16:45

Special Session 131 Recent progress on singularities formations of some evolution partial differential equations
Organizer(s): Mohamed Ali Hamza , Nejla Nouaili , Hatem Zaag
Capital Suite 1
 14:45-15:15  Charles Collot (CY Cergy Paris Universite, France)
 Singularity of the 2d Keller-Segel system formed by the collision of two collapsing solitons in interaction
 15:15-15:45  Irfan Glogic (Bielefeld University, Germany)
 Stable self-similar blowup for the Keller-Segel model in three dimensions
 15:45-16:15  Nejla Nouaili (CEREMADE Univesite Paris Dauphine PSL, France)
 Construction of type I-Log blowup for the Keller-Segel system in dimensions $3$ and $4$
 16:15-16:45  Kohei Higashi (Musashino University, Japan)
 Blow-up phenomena in an integrable system with a singular integral and its application to traffic flow