Parallel Session 9 :: Wednesday, 12/18, 8:00-10:00

Special Session 20 Stochastic analysis, inverse problems and related topics
Organizer(s): Hongyu , Minghui
Capital Suite 4
 8:30-9:00  Mourad Sini (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria)
 Time Behavior of Acoustic Resonators and Applications to Inverse Problems
 9:00-9:30  Yuhang Zhang (Harbin Institute of Technology Zhengzhou Research Institute, Peoples Rep of China)
 Propagation of chaos rate across dimensions and the L^p convergence rate of the numerical approximation for super-linear MV-SDEs
 9:30-10:00  Catharine WK Lo (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
 Inverse problems in population models