Parallel Session 9 :: Wednesday, 12/18, 8:00-10:00

Special Session 130 kinetic theory, analysis and application
Organizer(s): Qin
Capital Suite 8
 8:00-8:30  Zhenning Cai (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
 Fast spectral method for the linearized Boltzmann collision operator
 8:30-9:00  Anjali Nair (University of Chicago, USA)
 From Schr\{o}dinger to diffusion- speckle formation of light in random media and the Gaussian conjecture
 9:00-9:30  Jaeyoung Yoon (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
 Random Winfree dynamics with high-order couplings
 9:30-10:00  Shukai Du (Syracuse University, USA)
 Forward and inverse computation for radiative transfer via hp-adaptive mesh refinement