Ambreen Zehra
Hamdard University Pakistan
Engineering and business studies expertise is a key of sustaining a modern economy and to the
advancement of civilization. Mathematics is a signiffcant course which helps to understand the
fundamentals of engineering and business principles. This study was an investigation about the
attitude of business and engineering students towards Mathematics courses. The purpose of this study
was to explore the relation between attitude and internal factors that effect on Mathematics studies.
Furthermore, how Mathematics is useful in their professional life and how helpful advance technology
to learn mathematics and made it interesting. A Survey was conducted to analyzing the attitude
of engineering and business students towards Mathematics courses. The data was collected carefully
according to the requirement. The research population in this study was engineering and business
school students in Karachi-Pakistan. In this study attitude was measured in cognitive, affective and
behavior domains for ffnding the factors that affect the learning of Mathematics among business and
engineering students. Theories and related researches were used for making a questionnaire research
tool. The ffnding of this research is helpful for improvement of Mathematics teaching and learning in
both professions. In further, this study is also being beneffcial for administration. The results of this
studies shows that students attitude effect on their Mathematics learning, good mathematical skills
made their professional journey easy and attitude of both gender also different towards Mathematics
courses. The integration of technology also made teaching and learning interesting. Lastly, the
mathematical skills are used in professional engineering ffeld and the business world as per their