Optimal trading with regime switching: Numerical and analytic techniques applied to valuing storage in an electricity balancing market
David Zoltan Szabo
Corvinus University of Budapest Hungary
Co-Author(s): Paul Jonhson, Peter Duck
Accurately valuing storage in the electricity market recognizes its role in enhancing grid flexibility, integrating renewable energy, managing peak loads, providing ancillary services and improving market efficiency. In this paper we outline an optimal trading problem for an Energy Storage Device trading on the electricity balancing (or regulating) market. To capture the features of the balancing (or regulating) market price we combine stochastic differential equations with Markov regime switching to create a novel model, and outline how this can be calibrated to real market data available from NordPool. By modelling a battery that can be filled or emptied instantaneously, this simplifying assumption allows us to generate numerical and quasi analytic solutions.
We implement a case study to investigate the behaviour of the optimal strategy, how it is affected by price and underlying model parameters. Using numerical (finite-difference) techniques to solve the dynamic programming problem, we can estimate the value of operating an Energy Storage Device in the market given fixed costs to charge or discharge. Finally we use properties of the numerical solution to propose a simple quasi-analytic approximation to the problem. We find that analytic techniques can be used to give a benchmark value for the storage price when price variations during the day are relatively small.