Special Session 17: Nonlinear models in kinetic theory, collective behavior, and fluid dynamics

Global-in-time well-posedness of the homogeneous Landau-Coulomb equation for small $L^p$ initial data

William Golding
University of Texas at Austin
Co-Author(s):    Maria Gualdani and Am\`{e}lie Loher
The Landau-Coulomb equation is a fundamental model in plasma physics that describes the statistical behavior of particles in a collisional plasma. Despite its widespread usage, the mathematical understanding of this equation has been limited due to competition between the reaction term and nonlinear, non-local diffusion term. This talk will address the global-in-time well-posedness of solutions for the homogeneous equation with Coulomb potential, when the initial data that are close to equilibrium in an $L^p$ sense. In particular, using short-time smoothing estimates, we are able to construct global-in-time classical solutions for such initial data.