Special Session 27: Recent Trends in Navier-Stokes Equations, Euler Equations, and Related Problems

Uniqueness and regularity of flows of non-Newtonian fluids

Petr Kaplicky
Charles University
Czech Rep
Co-Author(s):    M. Bul\`\i\v cek, F. Ettwein, D. Pra\v z\`ak
We give overview of results on non/uniqueness of flows of generalized Newtonian fluids. The prototypical example of the Cauchy stress tensor has the form $\mathbb T(\mathbb D)=(1+|\mathbb D|^2)^{(p-2)/2}\mathbb D$ for some growth parameter $p>1$. For $p\geq 11/5$ we show sufficient regularity of any solution to obtain its uniqueness provided data of the problem are sufficiently smooth. We remark that the bound $p\geq 11/5$ corresponds to the situation when we can test the weak formulation of the equation with the solution under its natural regularity. We will also discuss result for $p