Special Session 65: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Related Topics

Qualitative behavior of solutions to a class of Keller-Segel system

Monica Marras
University of Cagliari
Co-Author(s):    T. Yokota, S. Vernier-Piro
\centerline {\sc Qualitative behavior of solutions to a class of Keller-Segel system} \vskip .3truecm \centerline {\textsf{Monica Marras}} \noindent \centerline {Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit$\rm \grave{a}$ di Cagliari } \vskip 1truecm \noindent We are interested in qualitative properties as blow-up phenomena, decay in time, boundedness, global existence to solutions of some classes of parabolic systems. In particular we consider a chemotaxis system with flux limitation in a bounded and smooth domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N, \ \ N\geq 3$ and we show a criterion which ensure that, under suitable condition on data, the solution blows up in finite time in $L^{\infty}(\Omega)$ and for some $p>\frac N 2$ it also blows up in $L^p(\Omega)-norm$. Moreover we study the global existence and boundedness of the solution.