Special Session 65: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Related Topics

Global dynamics in a degenerate chemotaxis model for tumor invasion

Tomomi Yokota
Tokyo University of Science
Co-Author(s):    Sachiko Ishida
We consider a degenerate chemotaxis model for tumor invasion in a bounded domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N$ ($N\ge 2$), which consists of four equations for $u, v, w, z$. The first equation has the diffusivity $f$ and the sensitivity $g$ fulfilling $f(u,w) \ge u^{m-1}$ ($m>1$), $0 \le g(u) \le u^\alpha$. It is shown that if $\alpha+1 < m+\frac{4}{N}$ $(N \ge 2)$, or if $\alpha+1=m+\frac{4}{N}$ $(N \ge 3)$ with small initial data, then the system possesses a global bounded weak solution which converges to the constant equilibrium in the weak$^*$ topology in $L^\infty(\Omega)$ as $t\to\infty$.