Special Session 71: At the Edge of Ellipticity

Reverse Faber-Krahn inequality for a truncated laplacian operator

Enea Parini
Aix Marseille Universite
In this talk we will consider a reverse Faber-Krahn inequality for the principal eigenvalue $\mu_1(\Omega)$ of the fully nonlinear operator \[ \mathcal{P}_N^+ u := \lambda_N(D^2 u), \] where $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N$ is a bounded, open convex set, and $\lambda_N(D^2 u)$ is the largest eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix of $u$. The result will be a consequence of the isoperimetric inequality \[ \mu_1(\Omega) \leq \frac{\pi^2}{\text{diam}(\Omega)^2}. \] Moreover, we will discuss the minimization of $\mu_1$ under various kinds of constraints. The results have been obtained in collaboration with Julio D. Rossi and Ariel Salort (Buenos Aires).