Special Session 52: Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

The Dirichlet Problem on Rough Domains with data in Herz Spaces

Pedro Takemura Feitosa da Silva
Baylor University
Co-Author(s):    Marius Mitrea
In this talk we present recent results in the direction of solving boundary value problems for general second-order systems on rough domains with boundary data taken in non-standard function spaces. More precisely, we study the Dirichlet problem with boundary data in Herz spaces. We develop a comprehensive Calder\`on-Zygmund theory for a relevant class of singular integral operators acting on (and from) this brand of spaces via a powerful extrapolation result, and succeed in employing the method of boundary layer potentials to establish a well-posedness result for the aforementioned boundary problem. This is joint work with Marius Mitrea.