Special Session 32: Recent developments in mathematical theories of complex fluids

On a thermodynamically consistent model for magnetoviscoelastic fluids in 3D

Yuanzhen Shao
University of Alabama
Co-Author(s):    Hengrong Du, and Gieri Simonett
In this talk, we consider a system of equations that model a non-isothermal magnetoviscoelastic fluid, which is thermodynamically consistent. The system is analyzed by means of the Lp-maximal regularity theory. First, we will discuss the local existence and uniqueness of a strong solution. Then it will be shown that a solution initially close to a constant equilibrium exists globally and converges to a (possibly different) constant equilibrium. Finally, we will show that that every solution that is eventually bounded in the topology of the natural state space exists globally and converges to the set of equilibria.