Special Session 29: Reactions diffusion equations with applications to spatial ecology and infectious disease

A reaction-advection-diffusion model of cholera epidemics with seasonality and human behavior change

Xueying Wang
Washington State University
Co-Author(s):    Ruiwen Huang, Xiao-Qiang Zhao
Cholera is a water- and food-borne infectious disease caused by V. cholerae. To investigate multiple effects of human behavior change, seasonality and spatial heterogeneity on cholera spread, we propose a reaction-advection-diffusion model that incorporates human hosts and aquatic reservoir of V. cholerae. We first derive the basic reproduction number R0 for this system and then establish a threshold type result on its global dynamics in terms of R0. Further, we show that the bacterial loss at the downstream end of the river due to water flux can reduce the disease risk, and describe the asymptotic behavior of R0 for small and large diffusion in a special case (where the diffusion rates of infected human and the pathogen are constant). We also study the transmission dynamics at the early stage of cholera outbreak numerically and find that human behavior change may lower the infection level and delay the disease peak. Moreover, the relative rate of bacterial loss, together with convection rate, plays an important role in identifying the severely infected areas. Meanwhile spatial heterogeneity may dilute or amplify cholera infection, which in turn would increase the complexity of disease spread.