Special Session 9: Stochastic Analysis and Large Scale Interacting Systems

Smoothness of the diffusion coefficients for particle systems in continuous space

Maximilian Nitzschner
New York University
Co-Author(s):    Arianna Giunti, Chenlin Gu, Jean-Christophe Mourrat
We consider a class of particle systems with local interactions in continuous space, which are reversible with respect to the Poisson measures with constant density. A natural quantity of interest capturing the large-scale behavior of particles in this set-up is the bulk diffusion matrix. Recent work by Giunti, Gu, and Mourrat has established that finite-volume approximations of this diffusion matrix converge at an algebraic rate. We show that the bulk diffusion matrix is an infinitely differentiable function of the density of particles, and obtain relatively explicit expressions for the derivatives in terms of the corrector, an object which already appeared in the description of the bulk diffusion matrix itself. Based on joint work with Giunti, Gu, and Mourrat.