Special Session 74: Local and Nonlocal Fully Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic and Parabolic Type

Nonlocal Mean Curvature with Integrable Kernel

Animesh Biswas
Iowa State University
Co-Author(s):    Animesh Biswas, Mikil Foss, Petronela Radu
The focus of this talk will be on the recently introduced topic of nonlocal curvature, defined via an integral operator with a kernel J where J is a radially symmetric, integrable, nonincreasing and non-negative convolution kernel. Several papers have studied the case of nonlocal curvature with nonintegrable singularity which requires the regularity of the boundary to be at least twice differentiable. Nonlocal curvature of this form appears in many different applications, such as image processing, curvature driven motion, deformations. Our results offer some generalizations and extensions to the constant mean curvature problem, where counterparts to Alexandrov theorem in the nonlocal framework with the highly singular kernel were established independently by two separate groups: Ciraolo, Figalli, Maggi, Novaga, and respectively, Cabr\`{e}, Fall, Sol\`{a}-Moreles, Weth. By using the concept of nonlocal curvature for integrable kernels J, as discussed by Maz\`{o}n, Rossi, Toledo, we are able to lower requirements on the smoothness of the boundary.