Special Session 18: Advanced methodologies in mathematical materials science and biology

Phase separation and morphology growth in interacting ternary mixtures under evaporation - Well-posedness and numerical simulation of a non-local evolution system

Adrian Muntean
Karlstad University
Co-Author(s):    Rainey Lyons, Stela Andrea Muntean, Emilio N. M. Cirillo
We study a nonlinear coupled parabolic system with non-local drift terms modeling at the continuum level the inter-species interaction within a ternary mixture that allows the evaporation of one of the species. In the absence of evaporation, the proposed system the evolution system coincides with the hydrodynamic limit of a stochastically interacting particle system of Blume--Capel--type driven by the Kawasaki dynamics. We investigate the well-posedness of the target system posed in 3D and present preliminary numerical simulation results for a 2D scenario. We employ an approximation scheme based on finite difference to illustrate the effect of changing the characteristic time scale of the evaporation rate on the shape and connectivity of the evolving-in-time morphologies. The precise structure of our evolution system is motivated by technological issues involved in the design of organic solar cells, however, similar structures of model equations arise in other materials science-related contexts thatb are conceptually related (e.g. in the design of the internal structure of thin adhesive bands).