Special Session 8: Propagation Phenomena in Reaction-Diffusion Systems

Axially asymmetric traveling fronts in balanced bistable reaction-diffusion equations

Masaharu Taniguchi
Okayama University
For a balanced bistable reaction-diffusion equation, an axisymmetric traveling front has been well studied. We prove that an axially asymmetric traveling front with any positive speed does exist in a balanced bistable reaction-diffusion equation. Our method is as follows. We use a pyramidal traveling front for an imbalanced reaction-diffusion equation whose cross section has a major axis and a minor axis. Preserving the major axis and the minor axis to be given constants and taking the balanced limit, we obtain an axially asymmetric traveling front in a balanced bistable reaction-diffusion equation. This traveling front is monotone decreasing with respect to the traveling axis, and its cross section is a compact set with a major axis and a minor axis.