Special Session 23: Topological and Variational Methods for Differential Equations

Positive solutions to a third order boundary value problem with a parameter

Miroslawa Zima
Institute of Mathematics, University of Rzeszow
Co-Author(s):    Gabriela Szajnowska
We discuss the existence of positive solutions to the equation \begin{equation*} -u```+m^2u`=f(t,u,u`) \end{equation*} under nonlocal boundary conditions $u(0)=0$, $u`(0)=\alpha[u]$, $u`(1)=\beta[u]$, where $m$ is a positive parameter, and $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are the functionals acting on the space $C^1[0,1]$. Our approach is based on the Krasnosel`ski\u\i{}-Guo fixed point fixed point theorem in cones and the properties of the Green`s function corresponding to the BVP under study.