Special Session 53: Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques for Differential Equations arising in Applied and Natural Sciences

Convergence to a self similar solution for a one phase Stefan problem arising in corrosion theory

Danielle Hilhorst
CNRS and University Paris-Sud
Co-Author(s):    M. Bouguezzi, Y. Miyamoto and J.F. Scheid
Steel corrosion plays a central role in different technological fields. We will consider a simple case of a corrosion phenomenon which describes a pure iron dissolution in sodium chloride. We will prove that under rather general hypotheses on the initial data, the solution of this iron dissolution model converges to a self similar profile for large times. We will do so for an equivalent formulation which takes the form of a one dimensional one phase Stefan problem. In order to prove the convergence result, we apply a comparison principle together with suitable upper and lower solutions.