Special Session 18: Advanced methodologies in mathematical materials science and biology

Effective Heat Transfer Conditions Between Porous Media and Fluid Layers

Michael Eden
Karlstad University
Co-Author(s):    Tom Freudenberg
The effective heat transfer at interfaces between porous media and surrounding fluid layers is an important factor in many applications in geoengineering and machining. We are investigating effective models including interface conditions in the context of mathematical homogenization using the tool of periodic two-scale convergence. We present results for two different cases: (a) The solid part of the porous media is assumed to consist of disconnected inclusions. Here, we arrive at a one-temperature problem exhibiting a memory term. (b) The solid matrix is assumed to be connected. Here, the limit problem is given by two-phase mixture model. We compare and discuss these two limit models with several simulation studies both with and without convection.