Special Session 45: Lie Symmetries, Conservation Laws and Other Approaches in Solving Nonlinear Differential Equations

Invariants for a system of two linear hyperbolic equations by complex methods

Adnan Aslam
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Co-Author(s):    A Aslam , F. M. Mahomed ,A. Qadir and M. Safdar
Invariants of symmetry groups under transformations of dependent and independent variables lead to simplification of differential equations and their exact solutions if solutions of the transformed equations are known. Though Lie had developed his Symmetry Analysis for complex functions of complex variables, he did not explicitly use complex analyticity. We developed Complex Symmetry Analysis in which we make explicit use of the Cauchy-Riemann equations and find that one can solve systems of differential equations by it for equations not readily amenable to the usual real methods. We show that, via complex methods, one can deduce invariants that are not readily obtainable by real methods