Special Session 27: Recent Trends in Navier-Stokes Equations, Euler Equations, and Related Problems

Near Resonance Approximation of Rotating Navier-Stokes Equations

Bin Cheng
University of Surrey
Co-Author(s):    Zisis N. Sakellaris
We formalise the concept of near resonance for the rotating Navier-Stokes equations, based on which we propose a novel way to approximate the original PDE. The spatial domain is a three-dimensional flat torus of arbitrary aspect ratios. We prove that the family of proposed PDEs are globally well-posed for any rotation rate and initial datum of any size in any $H^s$ space with $s\ge0$. Such approximations retain much more 3-mode interactions, thus more accurate, than the conventional exact resonance approach. Our approach is free from any limiting argument that requires physical parameters to tend to zero or infinity, and is free from any small divisor argument (so estimates depend smoothly on the torus` aspect ratios). The key estimate hinges on counting of integer solutions of Diophantine inequalities rather than Diophantine equations. Using a range of novel ideas, we handle rigorously and optimally challenges arising from the non-trivial irrational functions in these inequalities. The main results and ingredients of the proofs can form part of the mathematical foundation of a non-asymptotic approach to nonlinear oscillatory dynamics in real-world applications.