Special Session 66: Dynamics of biological materials across scales

Modelling and dynamics of a three-dimensional virus capsid

Paolo Piersanti
Indiana University Bloomington
Co-Author(s):    Paolo Piersanti, Kristen White, Bogdan Dragnea and Roger Temam
In this talk, which is the result of a joint work of the speaker with Kristen White (IU), Bogdan Dragnea (IU) and Roger Temam (IU), we formulate a model describing the deformation of a virus capsid in the context of Atomic Force Microscope experiments. Since the virus capsid is subjected not to cross a prescribed rigid surface, the problem under consideration is an obstacle problem. To begin with, we derive the expression of the energy functional modelling the deformation of the virus capsid under consideration in the static case. Numerical experiments are subsequently carried out. Finally, we examine the dynamical counterpart of the model under consideration. Unlike the static case, the concept of solution is a priori unknown in the time-dependent case. The rigorous concept of solution will be rigorously formulated upon completing the asymptotic analysis of a suitable penalised model.