Special Session 33: Modeling and Data Analysis for Complex Systems and Dynamics

Epileptic neurodynamics associated with D-serine regulations

Suyu Liu
Hangzhou Dianzi University
Peoples Rep of China
Co-Author(s):    Xiaohang Zhu
\begin{abstract} D-serine, as a co-agonist in the regulation of NMDA receptors by neuroglial cells, may be involved in fine-tuning the function of NMDA receptors and maintaining the synaptic plasticity mediated by NMDA receptors during the neuron-glia interaction. Whether and how this fine-tuning mechanism affects the signaling activity of neurons and glial cells in epileptic pathologies is uncertain. To account for this, we proposed a kind of dynamical network model associated with epilepsy coupled with neurons, astrocytes and microglia cells, and studied the effect of glial transmitter D-serine on neuronal discharge patterns in this network, as well as the transition dynamics among these activity patterns. The results showed that the D-serine regulation induced by positive feedback between astrocytes and microglia-astrocytes could make the neuronal discharge transition between a normal and an epileptic state. By using the bifurcation theory, the windows and the pathological values of the two parameters presented by the specific coupling parameters were obtained. These results indicate that the abnormal release of D-serine from astrocytes and the abnormal function of microglia may be the symptoms of epileptic seizure, and further understand the mechanism of abnormal synaptic function in epileptic seizure. \end{abstract}