Special Session 15: Recent Advances on Population Models in Ecology and Epidemiology

Front propagation for the bistable reaction-diffusion equation on unbounded metric graphs

Yoshihisa Morita
Ryukoku University
We deal with the bistable reaction-diffusion equation arising in the population biology and consider it on unbounded metric graphs which are created by joining half-lines (branches) at some points (junctions). Since the equation allows a traveling front wave in the whole line, we can observe the front propagation far from the junctions. We show that there exists an entire solution which converges to the front-like profile as time goes to minus infinity on arbitrarily fixed branches. Moreover, in specific cases we give conditions under which the front propagation is blocked. This talk is based on the joint works by Jimbo-M (2019, 2021, 2023) and Iwasaki-Jimbo-M (2022).