Special Session 18: Advanced methodologies in mathematical materials science and biology

On a hierarchy of effective models for the biomechanics of human compact bone tissue

Grigor Nika
Karlstad University
We derive a hierarchy of effective models that can be used to model the biomechanics of human compact bone taking into account scale-size effects observed experimentally. The classification of the effective models depends on the hierarchy of four characteristic lengths: The size of the heterogeneities, two intrinsic lengths of the constituents, and the overall characteristic length of the domain. Depending on the different scale interactions between the size of the heterogeneities, the two intrinsic lengths of the constituents, and the characteristic length of the domain we obtain either an effective Cauchy continuum or an effective Cosserat continuum. The passage to the limit relies on suitable use of the periodic unfolding operator. Moreover, we perform numerical simulations to validate our results.