Special Session 72: Optimal Transport and Mean Field Games with Applications and Computations

Tangential Wasserstein Projections with applications to causal inference

Florian Gunsilius
University of Michigan
Co-Author(s):    Meng Hsuan Hsieh, Myung Jin Lee
We develop a notion of projections between sets of probability measures using the geometric properties of the 2-Wasserstein space. In contrast to existing methods, it is designed for multivariate probability measures that need not be regular, is computationally efficient to implement via regression, and provides a unique solution in general. The idea is to work on tangent cones of the Wasserstein space using generalized geodesics. Its structure and computational properties make the method applicable in a variety of settings where probability measures need not be regular, from causal inference to the analysis of object data. An application to estimating causal effects yields a generalization of the synthetic controls method for systems with general heterogeneity described via multivariate probability measures.