Special Session 90: Recent advances in wavelet analysis, PDEs and dynamical systems

Solution of non-linear fractional Vander Pol equation through Boubaker wavelets

Sripathy Budhi
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
Co-Author(s):    K.Tamilvannan,, T.V.G.Shriprakash, R.Seethalakshmi
In this article, an efficient method based on Boubaker wavelets are applied for investigations of non-linear fractional order Vander Pol equations. Fractional order Vander Pol equation are defined in Caputo sense.For this investigation, operational matrix of derivative Boubake wavelets are constructed with the help of Boubaker polynomials. The operational matrix derivative is applied in Vander pol equations which converts the underlying differential equation into a system of algebraic equations. The unknowns in the algebraic equation can be found using Newton`s method. Some numerical examples are presented to show the effectiveness and applicability of this wavelet based approach to justify in order to verify its validity.