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The AIMS Conference Series
2023 Wilmington NC USA
Special Session 41: Asymptotic Analysis and Bifurcations of Solutions for Nonlinear Models
Organizer(s): Yoshitsugu Kabeya , Jann-Long Chern
Parallel Session 3 :: Thursday, June 1, 08:00 – 09:30 CI1006
Yoshitsugu Kabeya
(Department of Mathematics, Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan)
Bifurctions and Imperfect bifurcations of solutions to the scalar-field type eliptic equation under the Robin condition.
Tohru Wakasa
(Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Linearized eigenvalue problems, Lam'e equation and modified elliptic integral of the third kind
Parallel Session 4 :: Thursday, June 1, 14:00 – 16:00 CI1006
Junping Shi
(College of William & Mary, USA)
Standing Waves of Coupled Schrodinger Equations with Quadratic Interactions from Raman Amplification in a Plasma
Michiaki Onodera
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
A perturbation theory of overdetermined boundary value problems
Tatsuki Mori
(Graduate School of Engineering, Musashino University, Japan)
All global bifurcation diagrams of stationary solutions to a 1D phase field model
Parallel Session 5 :: Thursday, June 1, 16:30 – 19:00 CI1006
Jin Takahashi
(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Blow-up of the critical norm for a supercritical semilinear heat equation
Kousuke Kuto
(Waseda University, Japan)
On the ratio of population to resources in the diffusive logistic equation
Yoshitaro Tanaka
(Future University Hakodate, Japan)
An approximation by a Keller-Segel system for nonlocal Fokker-Planck equation in bounded one-dimensional domain
Kota Ohno
(Department of Data Science for Business Innovation, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, Japan)
Chimera behaviors in nonlocally coupled oscillator system
Masaharu Nagayama
(Hokkaido University, Japan)
On a numerical bifurcation analysis of a particle reaction-diffusion model for a motion of two self-propelled disks