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The AIMS Conference Series
2023 Wilmington NC USA
Special Session 13: Nonlinear differential and difference equations with applications to population dynamics
Organizer(s): Kunquan Lan , Elena Braverman , Gunog Seo
Parallel Session 6 :: Friday, June 2, 08:00 – 10:00 CI1012
Elena Braverman
(University of Calgary, Canada)
On linear deterministic and stochastic control of nonlinear chaotic and unstable systems
Rongsong Liu
(University of Wyoming, USA)
Pause of larval development and their consequences for stage-structured populations
Ananta Acharya
(University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA)
Analysis of a competitive reaction-diffusion population dynamics model with density dependent dispersal on the boundary
Wei Feng
(University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA)
Elimination, permanence, and exclusion in a competition model under Allee effects
Parallel Session 7 :: Friday, June 2, 14:00 – 16:00 CI1012
Gail Wolkowicz
(McMaster University, Canada)
Different Derivation Techniques for Population Growth Difference Equation Models and their Dynamics
Yang Kuang
(Arizona State University, USA)
Rich and realistic dynamics of resource quality based population models
Olga Vasilyeva
(Grenfell Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Two examples of using phase plane analysis in nonlinear RDA models
Zhisheng Shuai
(University of Central Florida, USA)
Population dynamics in heterogeneous networks
Parallel Session 8 :: Friday, June 2, 16:30 – 19:00 CI1012
Paul Eloe
(Univeristy of Dayton, USA)
Maximum, anti-maximum principles and monotone methods for boundary value problems for Riemann Liouville fractional differential equations in neighborhoods of simple eigenvalues
Christopher S. GOODRICH
(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Sydney, UNSW, USA)
Monotonicity and Convexity for Discrete Fractional Operators with Applications to Fractional Difference Equations
Lingju Kong
(University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA)
User traffic dynamics in online social networks
Wenying Feng
(Trent University, Canada)
Solutions for a class of nonlinear fractional difference equations at resonance
Eymard Hern\`andez
(UAGro-TESOEM, Mexico)
Bifurcations of co-dimension two in a model of immune and neoplasia for two ODEs
Parallel Session 9 :: Saturday, June 3, 08:00 – 09:30 CI1012
Gunog Seo
(Colgate University, USA)
A Non-spatial Host-Parasitoid Model for Pest Control: Insights from Bifurcation Theory
Min Wang
(Kennesaw State University, USA)
Online social network models with varying population size
Elisa Sovrano
(University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), Italy, Italy)
Impact of threshold harvesting on the dynamics of age-structured populations
Parallel Session 12 :: Sunday, June 4, 08:00 – 10:00 CI1012
Yun Kang
(Arizona State University, USA)
The Role of Demographic and Environmental Stochasticity in a Single Population Model with Component Allee Effects
James Yorke
(1941, USA)
Populations Die-Outs in Ecosystems
Alketa Henderson
(UNC Greensboro, USA)
On the effects of density-dependent dispersal on ecological models with logistic and weak Allee type growth terms