2023 Wilmington NC USA

  Contributed Session 1:  ODEs and Applications
Deterministic-Statistical Approach for Moving Sources with Sparse Partial Data
Yanfang Liu
George Washington University
  Co-Author(s):    Yanfang Liu, Yukun guo, Jiguang Sun

In this talk, we present a two-step deterministic-statistical approach to reconstruct the trajectories of moving sources using partial measured data. In the first step, an approximate direct sampling method is developed to obtain the locations of the sources at different times. Such information is coded in the priors, which is critical for the success of the Bayesian method in the second step. The well-posedness of the posterior measure is analyzed in the sense of the Hellinger distance. Both steps are based on the same physical model and use the same set of measured data. The combined approach inherits the merits of the deterministic method and Bayesian inversion as demonstrated by the numerical examples.