Special Session 85: 

Choreographies in the $n$-body problem

Carlos Garcia Azpeitia
IIMAS Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Co-Author(s):    Renato Calleja, Jean-Philippe Lessard, J.D. Mireles James
We present a systematic approach for proving the existence of spatial choreographies in the gravitational $n$ body problem. After changing to rotating coordinates and exploiting symmetries, the equation of a choreographic configuration is reduced to a delay differential equation (DDE) describing a single body. We study periodic solutions of this DDE in a Banach space of rapidly decaying Fourier coefficients. Our argument is constructive and makes extensive use of the digital computer. Also, we present a recent progress in the proof of a conjecture by Marchal regarding a family of periodic solutions connecting the Lagrangre triangle to the figure eight choreography.