Special Session 88: 

On the uniqueness of travelling waves for the Hutchinson`s Equation

Abraham I Solar
Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception
Co-Author(s):    Rafael Benguria, Sergei Trofimchuk
In this talk we preset the equation $u_t(t, x)=u_{xx}(t, x)+u(t, x)(1-u(t-h, x)), \quad t>0, x\in\R$ where $h>0$ is a delay. We will show the uniqueness (up to translation) of solutions in the form $u(t, x)=\phi_c(x+ct)$ where $\phi_c:\R\to\R_+$ is a profile with speed $c\in\R$ such that $\phi_c(-\infty)=0$. In contrast to the case $h=0$ the profile $\phi_c$ could has oscillations around 1 and the uniqueness had only obtained for monotone profiles by using the standard methods.